Bug #1391
closedLeechCraft doesn't take into account not strict dependencies
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If I enable Bloique and don't enable LHTR - there is not any useful warning or debug message and there is no bt in gdb when I open blogique tab and get SIGSEGV.
gdb(gdb) r
Starting program: /usr/local/bin/leechcraft
During startup program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
(gdb) bt
No stack. warning.log
[03.11.2013 13:56:03.912] [0x787470] [001] ======APPLICATION STARTUP======
[03.11.2013 13:56:04.139] [0x787470] [003] LeechCraft::ColorThemeEngine::FillQML(QSettings&)::<lambda(const QString&, const QString&, const QString&)> "/usr/local/share/leechcraft/themes/crafty/qml.rc" lacks "ToolButton_HoveredTopColor" ; falling back to "SelectedTopColor"
[03.11.2013 13:56:04.140] [0x787470] [004] LeechCraft::ColorThemeEngine::FillQML(QSettings&)::<lambda(const QString&, const QString&, const QString&)> "/usr/local/share/leechcraft/themes/crafty/qml.rc" lacks "ToolButton_HoveredBottomColor" ; falling back to "SelectedBottomColor"
[03.11.2013 13:56:04.174] [0x787470] [009] QTranslator* LeechCraft::Util::InstallTranslator(const QString&, const QString&, const QString&) could not load translation file for locale "ru_RU" "leechcraft_blogique_metida_ru_RU"
[03.11.2013 13:56:04.299] [0x787470] [015] void LeechCraft::Poshuku::Core::Unregister(LeechCraft::Poshuku::BrowserWidget*) LeechCraft::Poshuku::BrowserWidget(0x7fffffffcc20, name = "BrowserWidget") not found in the collection debug.log
[03.11.2013 13:56:03.912] [0x787470] [000] ======APPLICATION STARTUP======
[03.11.2013 13:56:04.110] [0x787470] [002] Initializing "LeechCraft"
[03.11.2013 13:56:04.143] [0x787470] [005] Initializing "Advanced Notifications"
[03.11.2013 13:56:04.155] [0x787470] [006] Initializing "Auscrie"
[03.11.2013 13:56:04.164] [0x787470] [007] Initializing "Blogique"
[03.11.2013 13:56:04.173] [0x787470] [008] Initializing "Blogique Metida"
[03.11.2013 13:56:04.184] [0x787470] [010] Initializing "CSTP"
[03.11.2013 13:56:04.192] [0x787470] [011] Initializing "Imgaste"
[03.11.2013 13:56:04.197] [0x787470] [012] Initializing "NetStoreManager"
[03.11.2013 13:56:04.210] [0x787470] [013] Initializing "NetStoreManager: GoogleDrive"
[03.11.2013 13:56:04.213] [0x787470] [014] Initializing "Poshuku Browser"
[03.11.2013 13:56:04.324] [0x787470] [016] Initializing "SecMan"
[03.11.2013 13:56:04.327] [0x787470] [017] Initializing "SimpleStorage"
[03.11.2013 13:56:04.341] [0x787470] [018] void LeechCraft::CoreInstanceObject::BuildNewTabModel() DefaultNewTab QVariant(QString, "contextdependent")