[18.07.2014 08:23:45.306] [0x7f3ace360ad0] [001] ======APPLICATION STARTUP====== [18.07.2014 08:23:46.411] [0x7f3ace360ad0] [016] void LeechCraft::LMP::EffectsManager::RegisteringFinished() cannot recover filter "org.LeechCraft.LMP.Potorchu.Filter" ; not available [18.07.2014 08:23:50.067] [0x7f3ab000b2d0] [017] QPair LeechCraft::LMP::{anonymous}::PairResolve(const LeechCraft::LMP::AudioSource&) could not find track "/run/media/gtlinux/Media/media/music/C85/(C85) [Movement on the FLOOR] Voltage Ignition 2 [MOTF-0002] (320k)/01 ☆ -star-.mp3" in library and cannot resolve its info, probably missing? [18.07.2014 08:23:51.288] [0x7f3ab000b2d0] [018] libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile [18.07.2014 08:23:51.293] [0x7f3ace7d8ef0] [019] libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile [18.07.2014 08:23:51.312] [0x7f3ace7d8ef0] [020] libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile [18.07.2014 08:23:51.312] [0x7f3ace7d8ef0] [021] libpng warning: iCCP: cHRM chunk does not match sRGB [18.07.2014 08:24:11.404] [0x7f3ace360ad0] [022] KGlobal::locale(): Warning your global KLocale is being recreated with a valid main component instead of a fake component, this usually means you tried to call i18n related functions before your main component was created. You should not do that since it most likely will not work [18.07.2014 08:24:11.460] [0x7f3ace360ad0] [023] Object::connect: No such signal org::freedesktop::UPower::DeviceAdded(QDBusObjectPath) [18.07.2014 08:24:11.460] [0x7f3ace360ad0] [024] Object::connect: No such signal org::freedesktop::UPower::DeviceRemoved(QDBusObjectPath) [18.07.2014 08:27:52.774] [0x7f3ace360ad0] [035] QObject::startTimer: QTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread