


Feature #1744 » highlight.patch

Патч на хайлайт как предложено. - 0xd34df00d, 09/26/2014 02:52 AM

View differences:

#include <util/shortcuts/shortcutmanager.h>
#include <util/sys/resourceloader.h>
#include <util/sll/urloperator.h>
#include <util/sll/prelude.h>
#include <interfaces/iplugin2.h>
#include <interfaces/an/constants.h>
#include <interfaces/core/icoreproxy.h>
return string;
QString Core::FormatBody (QString body, IMessage *msg)
void HighlightNicks (QString& body, IMessage *msg, const QList<QColor>& colors)
const auto entry = qobject_cast<IMUCEntry*> (msg->ParentCLEntry ());
if (!entry)
const auto& nicks = Util::Map (entry->GetParticipants (),
[] (QObject *obj) { return qobject_cast<ICLEntry*> (obj)->GetEntryName (); });
for (const auto& nick : nicks)
if (!body.contains (nick))
const auto& nickColor = GetNickColor (nick, colors);
if (nickColor.isNull ())
int pos = 0;
while ((pos = body.indexOf (nick, pos)) >= 0)
const auto nickEnd = pos + nick.size ();
if ((pos > 0 && ! (pos - 1).isSpace ()) ||
(nickEnd + 1 < body.size () && ! (nickEnd + 1).isSpace ()))
pos += nick.size ();
const auto& startStr = "<span style='color: " + nickColor + "'>";
const QString endStr { "</span>" };
body.insert (nickEnd, endStr);
body.insert (pos, startStr);
pos += nick.size () + startStr.size () + endStr.size ();
QString Core::FormatBody (QString body, IMessage *msg, const QList<QColor>& colors)
QObject *msgObj = msg->GetQObject ();
body = HandleSmiles (body);
if (msg->GetMessageType () == IMessage::Type::MUCMessage)
HighlightNicks (body, msg, colors);
proxy.reset (new Util::DefaultHookProxy);
proxy->SetValue ("body", body);
emit hookFormatBodyEnd (proxy, msgObj);
QString FormatDate (QDateTime, IMessage*);
QString FormatNickname (QString, IMessage*, const QString& color);
QString FormatBody (QString body, IMessage *msg);
QString FormatBody (QString body, IMessage *msg, const QList<QColor>& coloring);
QString HandleSmiles (QString body);
/** This function increases the number of unread messages by
* This function should be used to format the body of the given
* message.
* This function also accepts the list of colors used for
* nick coloring in the current chat window, since the
* \em body of the \em message may also be colored if it contains
* other participants' nicks.
* @param[in] body The body to format.
* @param[in] message The message object implementing IMessage.
* @param[in] coloring The set of colors used for nick coloring.
* @return The formatted body.
virtual QString FormatBody (QString body, QObject *message) const = 0;
virtual QString FormatBody (QString body, QObject *message, const QList<QColor>& coloring) const = 0;
/** @brief Preprocesses the message before displaying it.
Coloring2Colors_ ["hash"] = Proxy_->GenerateColors ("hash", {});
// %senderColor%
const QString& nickColor = Proxy_->GetNickColor (senderNick, Coloring2Colors_ ["hash"]);
const auto& colors = Coloring2Colors_ ["hash"];
const auto& nickColor = Proxy_->GetNickColor (senderNick, colors);
templ.replace ("%senderColor%", nickColor);
// %senderColor{N}%
.arg (senderNick)
.arg (body.mid (4));
body = Proxy_->FormatBody (body, msgObj);
body = Proxy_->FormatBody (body, msgObj, colors);
if (isHighlightMsg && !hasHighBackground)
body = "<span style=\"color:" + highColor +
if (body.isEmpty ())
body = msg->GetEscapedBody ();
body = Proxy_->FormatBody (body, msg->GetQObject ());
body = Proxy_->FormatBody (body, msg->GetQObject (), colors);
const QString dateBegin ("<span class='datetime'>");
const QString dateEnd ("</span>");
return Core::Instance ().FormatNickname (nick, qobject_cast<IMessage*> (obj), color);
QString ProxyObject::FormatBody (QString body, QObject *obj) const
QString ProxyObject::FormatBody (QString body, QObject *obj, const QList<QColor>& coloring) const
return Core::Instance ().FormatBody (body, qobject_cast<IMessage*> (obj));
return Core::Instance ().FormatBody (body, qobject_cast<IMessage*> (obj), coloring);
void ProxyObject::PreprocessMessage (QObject *msgObj)
QString GetNickColor (const QString&, const QList<QColor>&) const;
QString FormatDate (QDateTime, QObject*) const;
QString FormatNickname (QString, QObject*, const QString&) const;
QString FormatBody (QString, QObject*) const;
QString FormatBody (QString, QObject*, const QList<QColor>&) const;
void PreprocessMessage (QObject*);
Util::ResourceLoader* GetResourceLoader (PublicResourceLoader) const;
QIcon GetIconForState (State) const;